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🏎️ Page Speed Optimization: F1inize Your Startup's Website


🤔 Why Page Speed Matters for Your Startup

A fast website is crucial because:

  1. 📈 It directly impacts your search rankings since Google favors faster sites, so speeding up could bump you above slower competitors.

  2. 💰 It affects your conversion rates. Amazon found that a 100ms delay in load time cost them 1% in sales 👀

  3. 😊 It improves user experience
    Example: Users are 32% more likely to bounce when page load time goes from 1s to 3s

🚀 2 Key Areas to Optimize for Speed

1. 🖼️ Image Optimization

Images often make up the bulk of a page's weight. Optimize them by:

  • 🗜️ Compressing images without losing quality. Using tools like TinyPNG to reduce image size by up to 70% without visible quality loss and stick with WebP as much as possible.

  • 🖌️ Using next-gen formats like WebP, converting your hero image from JPEG to WebP could reduce its size by 30%.

  • 🦥 Implementing lazy loading, only loading images as the user scrolls down speeds up initial page load.

2. 📦 Minify and Compress

Reduce the size of your code files:

  • 🗑️ Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML, removing unnecessary characters and whitespace can reduce file sizes by 20-30%.

  • 🗜️ Enable GZIP compression as GZIP can reduce the size of text-based resources by up to 70%.

💪 Quick Win: Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Use a CDN to serve your content from servers closer to your users instead of from your webserver. A user in Australia could load your images from a Sydney server instead of your US-based one, dramatically reducing load times.